Granite Statement on Biden Administration’s FCC Nominations
CEO Rob Hale Praises the Nomination of Anna Gomez and Renomination of Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr to Serve on FCC
QUINCY, Massachusetts– May 23, 2023 – Rob Hale, President & CEO of Granite Telecommunications, today issued the following statement in response to President Biden’s nomination of Anna Gomez to serve on the Federal Communications Commission, and the renominations of Commissioners Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr:
“Granite congratulates Anna Gomez on her nomination by President Biden to serve as a Commissioner at the Federal Communications Commission. With decades of experience focusing on communications and technology issues, Anna Gomez is an exceptionally qualified nominee for FCC Commissioner. Serving the public interest in roles at the White House, U.S. Senate, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, and the FCC, Ms. Gomez has a deep understanding of our industry and the experience to help foster a more dynamic, future-focused competitive marketplace if confirmed.
“Granite also extends its congratulations to Commissioners Carr and Starks on their renominations. Both have demonstrated an appreciation for helping small businesses grow through competition that fuels a vibrant economy, and we look forward to continuing to work with each of them, alongside Ms. Gomez, as we make progress towards closing the digital divide and expanding access to cost-effective, high-speed internet for everyone in America.
“We urge the Senate to take swift action on these nominations so that the FCC may move ahead with the important work at hand, including ensuring all Americans have access to competition, innovation and affordable reliable connectivity.”
About Granite
Granite delivers advanced communications and technology solutions to businesses and government agencies throughout the United States and Canada. The $1.85 billion company serves more than two-thirds of Fortune 100 companies and has 1.75 million voice and data lines under management, supporting more than 650,000 locations. Founded in 2002, Granite has grown to be one of the largest competitive telecommunications carriers in the U.S. by simplifying sourcing and management of voice, data and cellular service with a single point of contact and consolidated invoicing for all locations nationwide. Today, Granite supports customers with a wide range of services, including access, UCaaS, mobile voice and data, and MSP solutions for SD-WAN, monitoring and network management. Granite employs more than 2,250 people at its headquarters in Quincy, Massachusetts and 11 regional offices nationwide. For more information, visit www.granitenet.com.
Media Contact:
Jeremy Robison
PR Manager